Rabbit Hole is a ‘grid’ speaking game, where teams of students try to find the rabbit on each slide by making a sentence or dialogue to choose a hole. Each hole that doesn’t have the rabbit tile instead has another animal showing the number of spaces that hole is from the one with the rabbit. It's a bit like the classic 'minesweeper', and it requires the students to think a bit before choosing their space.

To choose a hole, the teams must make a sentence or dialogue by combining one element from the images along the top (placed by you to fit your lesson contents) with one element from the images along the side. Imagining that the top and side spaces create a grid, follow each of that team’s choices until they meet and click on the hole at that point.
*Example- For a lesson about money and buying expressions, the side images might be items and the top images (or, in this case, text boxes with numbers) might be prices. Teams can then select a hole by saying ‘How much is this ball?’ and ‘It’s five dollars.’*

Meant to have a retro plastic board game vibe, this update on my original game should have your students thinking strategically, practicing expressions, and saying '귀여워!' ('cute!') at the same time.